Dear students,

you can buy and download all books that have been sold so far and have been proposed as regular reading material for education in digital format (e-book) through our website.

When you enter the link, you will need to register and a window with the offered books that are on sale will open.

Just follow the instructions and you will be able to successfully buy and download the books you want.

SERBIA: EBooks – http://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/EBooks?Partner=581630


CROATIA: EBooks – http://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/EBooks?Partner=581690


The opportunity to join the IAHP Medallion Membership is also open.

By joining, you get many benefits, you get the opportunity to download videos, presentations and everything related to your level of education. As you move on to the next levels of education, you will receive notifications so that you can access everything that the institute approves.

The membership fee in the IAHP Medallion Membership program is paid annually or for a period of 5 years.

All more detailed explanations can be found on the registration link below.

SERBIA: – http://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/EBooks?Partner=581630


CROATIA: http://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/EBooks?Partner=581690
